If the dimensions of the gutter coming out of the machine are incorrect or the material has shape issues, then the material isn’t tracking properly. Making sure that the Entry Guide or Entry Drum Extension is set up and aligned properly can help ensure that your material enters and exits the machine in proper alignment. […]
When holding the gutter in your hands and looking straight down towards the ground, if it appears that the center of the gutter touches the fascia but the ends do not, that means it’s “running away from the house.” Refer to your gutter machine manual before making any adjustments to your machine. Learn How to Sight […]
If you see the ends of a finished piece of gutter bowing towards the house and the center is pulled away from the fascia, that means your gutter is “running into the house.” Refer to your gutter machine manual before making any adjustments to your machine. Learn How to Sight a Gutter and Identify Gutter Shape […]
When looking at the bottom of your gutter from one end, you can tell it’s “running downhill” when you see the gutter is bowing slightly downward. Downhill is when the ends of the gutter are lower than the center of the gutter. Refer to your gutter machine manual before making any adjustments to your machine. […]
If you see that there’s a slight bow upward towards the sky when looking at the bottom of your gutter from one end, this means your gutter is “running uphill.” The ends of the gutter are higher at either end than they are in the center. Refer to your gutter machine manual before making any […]